Profitable and Practical: Reality Capture Results

Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? This is especially true for space planning, renovation, and construction projects, where time delays can cost a fortune. However, advancements in reality capture technology offer significant speed and financial savings.

One such groundbreaking innovation is the NavVis VLX, a wearable mapping device that promises efficiency and accuracy like never before seen with Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS).

The NavVis VLX is a wearable mobile mapping device. It’s designed for efficiency, capturing measurements and 360-degree panorama images as you move through a space. Watch this video from NavVis about their findings:


Key Findings

  1. On average, the VLX is 10 times faster than a TLS, even for relatively small projects. This advantage scales up significantly for larger environments.
  2. The results showed that the VLX achieved accuracy comparable to the terrestrial scanner. 68% (one sigma) of measurements were within a range of 0-3 mm difference compared to the TLS scan. That’s right—survey-grade accuracy was achieved with the VLX while zooming through the environment, making it a reliable choice.

The VLX offers unparalleled speed and cost-effectiveness, making it ideal for most projects. However, when precision and intricate details matter, the TLS remains indispensable. 


The Good News?

You don’t have to choose. At myBIMteam, we use either or both scanners on projects, giving clients the best outcome. So whether you’re racing against time or aiming for pinpoint precision, we’ve got you covered. 

Don’t let time delays and budgets affect the quality of your work. Contact us to discuss how the NavVis VLX 3 and/or Trimble X9 can benefit your next project.

Disclaimer: This blog post is inspired by the NavVis video, “Testing NavVis VLX side-by-side with a terrestrial laser scanner for speed and accuracy,” all credit goes to NavVis. We are not affiliated with NavVis, but appreciate their industry contributions.

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